Monday, January 12, 2009

Twilight-Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer was over all ok in my opinion. There was quite a bit of conflict throughout the 3 books but at the end evry single problem was somehow solved in about 5-10 minutes give or take. The entire series seemed like a modern day fairy tale in that the girl got the guy, they both ended up perfect looking, they got married, and even got a pet (sorry Jacob). The level of utter perfection that Edward and Bella have at the end of the story is at times just sickining. Not to say that it was a bad series, at times it was pretty thrilling but the fact that Breaking Dawn almost literaly ends with "... and they lived happily ever after" almost made me gag. I'll admit that I'm a guy and kinda outa the loop when it comes to romance but even this seemed a little corny at the end. The main redeeming quality was that even with the corny love story between Bella and Edward there was enough going on in the backround to keep me interested. The idea of a human living with vampires and werewolves made it worthwhile to see it through to the end, as well as the action of whenever Bella got herself into trouble with Vampires other then the Cullens. Over all I'd give the series a C+ (Gary, Junior)


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I was "bitten" (pun intended) by Twilight, and the whole series, before it was the cool thing to read (and in some cases, breathe). I loved the writing style of Stephenie Meyer and could put myself in Bella's shoes. That was the whole idea of not describing Bella--she was supposed to be the average girl. No, I have never dated a vampire, and no, I never have moved to live with one of my divorced parents in a place that continually rains, but I could see myself, being the new girl, being stared at or even going on these up and down roller coasters with friends. I guess what I'm saying is that the book is not all about a cheesy love story. If you could open your eyes and see beyond the written words, you would see that this is the life of most teenagers, just trying to "survive" high school. It is easy to immerse yourself into what you were reading and get lost in someone else's life. And as an added bonus, it is any easy read that can be done in a matter of days as to not inconvenience a busy school schedule. Everyone has a different opinion, so read it for yourself... maybe you will be bitten:)

jshay said...

I just LOVE this review!!!!! it is hilarious and absolutly true!!!