Monday, June 30, 2008

The Terror by Dan Simmons

I don't know how many students would enjoy reding this rather lengthy novel, but some staff might. In any case, it's what I've been reading this summer. In the mid 1800s, two British ships set sail for arctic waters; the Terror and the Erebus. We know the ships were iced in for at least two winters in northern waters, but we don't know what happened to the crews as none were ever heard from again. This story is Mr. Simmons' idea of what may have occured. It is chock full of graphic details about what it must have been like to survive (or not) in a ship being slowly crushed by the winter ice, with food supplies disappearing and scurvy coming on. It's brutal, I tell you. I feel like I've been stuck in the arctic for years in a wet woolen greatcoat with my teeth falling out from scurvy. Two criticisms: The author could have seriously used an editor, plus, I don't think he had to include the supernatural element in the form of a large, man eating, intelligent monster (though this does make for a curiously interesting ending which I did not see coming). If you are looking to cool down and you like survival stories, go ahead and give this one a shot. Just don't say I didn't warn you. (submitted by J.S. - librarian)


Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite books! I couldn't get enough of the details of the world although I would agree some editing toward the end might have helped. Several of my (college) students have read this and liked it, as well. I certainly recommend it for hot summer days - you will be freezing while you read this.

dria said...

Is this something I could recommend to my mature, 6th grade super-duper high readers??